Buying your beef in bulk directly from the farmer is a great investment. AJ and Kim will help walk you through the process. There are many benefits of buying your beef from your local farmer. Not only are you supportting our business but your money is directly invested back into the farm and our family. Having beef available right in your freezer makes busy week night meal planning simple! While it seems like a large investment up front you are paying the same price per pound for each cut of meat, unlike at the grocery store.
Once the beef has been taken to Sorg's, you will be invoiced within about a week to a week and a half. You will be invoiced for the amount of your hanging weight with your deposit deducted from the total. Along with your invoice you'll receive an email from Kim letting you know your tag number at Sorg's and how to contact them to put in your cutting orders. Cutting orders are how you would like your beef cut. You are not limited to just the basic cuts and amounts. For example, if you use a lot of ground beef you may consider having some of the roasts ground up or having some of the roasts sliced thinly for versatile cooking use. They will help you make decisions based on your needs - don't be afraid to ask questions. Placing your cutting order over the phone usually takes about 5-10 minutes.
Once your invoice is paid, your meat will be ready for pick-up within about 3 weeks from your processing date. Remember, you can pay by check, cash, Venmo, PayPal or credit card!
With an average market weight (live or on hoof) of +/- 1,150 lb. and the average yield of 58-60%, the typical steer will produce a 630-690lb. carcass (dressed weight).
The dressed beef (or carcass) will yield approximately 450 lb. of red meat and trim (take home meat, which includes the average weight of 27 lb. of variety meat: liver, heart, tongue, tripe, sweetbreads and brain), and 146 lb. of fat, bone and loss.
This is roughly a yield of 60-65% from the dressed or hanging weight.
For those ordering a ¼ (split half), take home meat will be approx. 110-120 lb.; for those ordering a ½ steer, 220-240 lb.
These are estimates. Weights will very due to finished weight of cattle, cutting instructions and grading.
After your selected processing date, your beef will need to age for approximately two weeks. During those two weeks you can expect to arrage to call from the processor to help you make your decision on how you'd like your beef cut. From processing to pickup it takes about 2.5-3 weeks.
When ordering ¼ steer (also called a split half), you are splitting a ½ steer with another person. As you are well aware, no two families are alike and therefore will want to each order according to their needs and likes. To make it fair to both parties splitting the ½, we leave it up to the processor to do a standard cutting order on split halves; therefore there is little flexibility in cut thicknesses or amounts. You may also be limited to the types of cuts you can recieve based on the family you are spliting with. For example, tenderloins are only available in a quarter if the other family is requesting that cut as well. Please contact us for more information or questions. Please click here for a list of the cuts for a ¼ steer.
You get more flexibility in cut choice when ordering a ½ steer. You are not at the mercy of splitting it with another person should you want specific sizes or thicknesses for your cuts. Please click here for a list of the cuts for a ½ steer.