Are you thinking of making the switch to grass fed beef for your family? We would love to provide quality beef to your family, raised locally and ethically. One the best things you can do is know where your beef is coming from. Stop buying ground beef from the grocery that could combined meat from multiple animals. We serve famililes in Southeastern Wisconsin and Northeastern Illinois. We promise to make the process very simplified - we know you are busy and we are too!
100% Grass-Fed Beef raised on organic pastures.
Our beef is raised on our farm and is never introduced to grains at any age. During the growing seasons our cattle rotate through our 100 acres of pastures daily. These pastures have been organic for over 20 years! We have always used organic seed too. During the winter we feed our cattle high quality hay that was grown and baled on our farm. This ensures the quality of the feed and source. According the the American Grassfed Association it defines grassfed beef as ruminant animals are born, raised, and finished on open grass pastures where perennial and annual grasses, forbs, legumes, brassicas, browse and post-harvest crop residue without grain are the sole energy sources, with the exception of mother’s milk, from birth to harvest. Hay, haylage, silage, and ensilage from any of the above sources may be fed to animals while on pasture during periods of inclement weather or low forage quality.
No Hormones, Antibiotics or mRNA Vaccine Technologies
In a world of ever changing protocals and technology we want to ensure families who purchase our beef know that our cattle are never given vaccinations, antibiotics or hormones.
Enjoy the health-benefits of grass fed beef.
Grass fed beef provides up to six times more omega–3 fatty acids than grain-fed beef. Grain fed beef, on the other hand, contains higher levels of omega–6 fatty acids, which are already eaten in surplus in most standard American diets.
Here are some of the benefits from increased omega–3 consumption: